Monday, January 15, 2007

It's Fun for the Whole Family!

A couple of innovative concepts for Sony's BRAVIA line of high-definition LCD televisions. Both of them are very well-executed - I especially enjoyed the cinematography in Balls - and effectively communicate the brand's message of "Color".

Sony BRAVIA - Balls Creative (extended 180-second version)

Sony BRAVIA - Paint Creative

I am one of those people who is often more interested in the ads than the programming when watching TV. This drives my wife crazy at times since I either A) decline her requests to click away during commercial breaks when I am in control of the remote, or B) ask her to "go back - quick!" when she channel surfs and clicks past a spot I want to see. As a member of one of those stereotypical Opposites Attract-type couples, she unfortunately does not always share my affinity for all things marketing-related and is sometimes *forced* to watch advertising content I feel I absolutely can't miss.

On the other hand, my daughter is at that wonderful age (2.5+ years) where anything Daddy likes, she likes as well. Having first showed Ava these ads about a month ago, at least once a day lately I am fulfilling her request to "go watch the paint" and we will sit together in front of the computer while she provides running commentary over the on-screen events. I admit this does get stale for me after about the 10th viewing in a session...but then I remind myself these are those special bonding moments that I will sorely miss 14 or so years from now when I am impatiently waiting up in the front room and Ava is late for her 12AM curfew yet another time.

The good news here is that my wife actually really likes the Balls commercial, and for the same reasons I do. She agrees it has excellent visual appeal, loves the 'Heartbeats' music track and enjoys seeing the streets of San Francisco again, a city we visited often while living in the Bay area a few years ago.

I indicated these ads are for the whole family, so what's my son's take on them? Owen is only 16 months and not yet much of a seasoned critic at this point but he does approve of the Tango Clear parody version of Balls. I am guessing this clever clip appeals to Owen on basically the same level as it does to me...I mean, who doesn't appreciate watching a nice big pile of smashed-up fruit roll around in the street?

1 comment:

  1. I have to say the Brava ads, especially the bouncy balls one - are truely beautiful ads...

    The soundtrack combined with the simple playfullness of it... makes it one of the better ads ive seen in a very long time.
